Our sustainable contributions

More electrically-assisted mobility on the market means more batteries to recycle. To contribute to a better future, Arcade Cycles is commited to improve the processing and recycling of the industrial waste produce by our activity.


We rely on the top: we support Ecologic for the processing of electric and electronic waste (WEEE) – the engine, the controller, the electric bicycle display – and we are members of Corepile, to recycle the batteries.

According to the Order of November the 9th, 2017 and the principle of extended producer responsibility, the management of professional WEEE must be ensured by these producers. To fulfil their obligations, producers must set up a certified individual system or join an approved eco-organisation.

Arcade has long been involved with Ecologic, a national eco-organisation for the prevention, collection, and recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. (ASL)

For example, for each electric bike purchased, you contribute to financing Ecologic through an eco-contribution. This eco-contribution covers the operational costs of separate collection, removal, depollution, and recycling of WEEE. This contribution is set according to category 7: “toys, sports and leisure equipment”, established by the Ecosystem Scale.

Batterie Arcade

Do not throw away your used batteries, but leave them with us!

Corepile is a French green organism that has been collecting and recycling the batteries of its distribution members for the past 20 years.

Since 2017 and according with UNION sport & cycle, a union for bicycle professionals, Corepile and its team have extended their collect to electric bike batteries. It is the opportunity for UNION sport & cycle to benefit from the expertise of Corepile and to ensure local collection and efficient, secure recycling. From this partnership, an innovative and sustainable industry emerges, dedicated to recycling used batteries from electric bikes and other mobility vehicles.

Sources :

Legifrance (2017). « Arrêté du 9 novembre 2017 portant agrément d’un éco-organisme pour la filière des déchets d’équipements électriques et électroniques professionnels en application des articles R. 543-196 et R. 543-197 du code de l’environnement (société ESR) » – Website. Legifrance.

Rédaction Ecologic (2017). « Les DEEE, des déchets issus des équipements électriques et électroniques » – Website. Ecologic.